Whether you are running the local Ma & Pa Shop down the street or you are running the office for big names like Apple or Google, we at
Artistic Shower Door & Glass
can tackle custom commercial work of nearly any size!
As we mentioned, we deal with big businesses, as well as the little guy in terms of custom door and glass work. We have over 30 years of experience in providing service, sales and top tier quality restoration for all kinds of commercial clientele including stores, offices, churches, gyms and apartments. The work that we can do for your business includes but is not limited to:
When you call or email us today, you can rest assured knowing that you are in good hands. Our work is our pride and joy, and our rates are as reasonable as our quick turnaround. Both your budget and your deadlines will be met!
We use only the most affordable and reliable vendors around so that our clients are never disappointed with the quality of our products. To name a few, we use parts and accessories from Milguard, Fleetwood, All Weather, International Window Company and more!
Call or Email Us Today for a Free Estimate! Let us give you the best in both price and service.
Address: 298 E. Market St. Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 784-1989
Email: nick@artisticshowerdoor.com